Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cruise Travel: Packing It In

I have a confession. I’m a pack-aholic. I’m hopelessly addicted to overburdening my husband with suitcases that barely close and bulging garment bags. The overflow from my tote bag gets stashed in his pockets.

What to do? It took drastic measures to cure me. Find out how in Packing It In, the true confession of a pack-aholic.

Cruise Diva's favorite bit of advice is to adhere to that old traveler’s adage, “Pack your suitcase and then remove half the contents before you close it.”

You too can streamline your packing strategy for smooth sailing.

1 comment:

  1. This is good!! Lots of people have packing troubles... I saw another article about this on All Things Cruise here:http://allthingscruise.com/cruise-preparation/packing-for-your-cruise/


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